How to use the sauna

1. Take off

In general, the best advice is to remove your makeup, jewelry, piercings, watches, contacts, eyelashes etc.  Take off all your clothes: The idea of the sauna it to let your body air and sweat. If you are wearing clothes or a towel, then you will be insulated from the heat and oils of the sauna, and also preventing the sweating from escaping the skin – defeating the reason for taking the sauna.

Man-made textiles trap heat and moisture, negating that pore-opening catharsis so many crave. Certainly, never wear a plastic swimming costume in the sauna (especially if you have just been in a chlorinated pool or hot tub). No one wants to relax in a cloud of atomised chlorine. The moist heat can actually leach dyes from the suit, leading to some partly-coloured pores.

2. Clean off

Take a shower beforehand. The shower makes the skin wet and removes perfumes and smells that otherwise become stronger and more pungent in the sauna. Body scrubs are also recommended.
Dont shower in cold water, or use the cold dip pool just before, as it slows down your sweating – Sweating is what you want to happen. It’s also important to dry yourself thoroughly so that moisture on your skin does not slow down your sweating process.

3. Dry off

Before entering the sauna your body should be completely dry in order to speed up perspiration in the sauna

4. Close the door

When you enter and exit, open and close the door behind you so the heat doest escape and cool the sauna down for others – It’s really not pleasant!

If you do leave an organised sauna session (especially if there is a sauna master), then don’t return during the same session, to avoid disrupting the session and causing heat to be lost as you open and close the door. 

5. Choose your level

Often 1-3 levels. The higher up, the hotter it is. And it is hottest often in the corners. If you are not used to it – start at the bottom, and only for a few mins. Then build up. If you are sitting, your feet will be lower and cooler than your head, so you might try sitting with your feet up, or cross-legged. If there is space, you can also lay down in the sauna.

6. Sit on a towel

Ensure your whole body is on a towel. That means your feet, legs, bottom and back (if you plan to sit back).  No part of you should be dripping sweat on the wood. Someone has to clean it! You can lay down or sit – whatever you want.

7. Use oils in the water/ice

If the session is being run by a sauna master, they will take care of this. Eucalyptus spruce and pine needles have a soothing effect on your respiratory tract. Citrus oils make you feel more cheerful and active. They also have a calming effect, and can help you concentrate better. Rosemary has an invigorating, stimulating effect; lemon balm relaxes you; and camomile is good for your skin. Use sparingly, as you’ll also be inhaling oil particles. For this reason, you should use only high quality oils.

If it is a sauna without a sauna master – ask if you want to add more water or oils to the furnace. Usually, it is the role of the nearest to the bucket.

8. Keep quiet if others are

Chill relax. You can talk before and after. If you must talk, whisper. It is a social space though and often a place to chat to a stranger – if you want to.

9. Shower after

From the feet first, then getting cooler and cooler. Also try the cold bath if you like. That too takes getting used to and will help with strengthening your immune system – Dont use if heart probs. Cool your head slowly.


Relax and chill for at last as long as you were in the sauna for.  Sit and drink, sleep, or chat.

11. Repeat

Repeat 2-3 more times .At the second visit of the sauna the air should contain a little more humidity than the first time. The skin has softened, the blood circulation has been stimulated. 

There are no strict rules or time limits for the sauna sessions. Heating up time depends on temperature, humidity and the person in the sauna. We should always listen to our body and use the sauna in a way that it makes us feel good. Beginners should stay in the sauna only as long as they feel good, even though this means only a few minutes. Because of high temperatures it is recommended to stay in the sauna for up to 15 minutes then cool off ‒ in three sessions and perhaps reduce the time you spend in the sauna a little each session during the day or evening.

12. Drink

Drink plenty of water or something refreshing: Whatever type of sauna a person uses, it is important to replace the fluids lost from sweating. People should drink about two to four glasses of water (or unsweetened tea) before and after using a sauna.  Eating fruit balances the calcium. The loss of magnesium can be balanced later by consuming leafy greens. Tomato juice etc. Dont drink much or any alcohol before or during, in large amounts

13. Repeat

In general, we should pay attention to our body and its needs. For people who use sauna regularly it is advisable to use it once a week and then gradually pass to twice a week and eventually more. The whole procedure should take from one to two and a half hours – or more. It is important that we follow the instructions and rules that are placed outside every sauna.

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