A Spa in a Spa: Swoszowice, Kraków history

The Swoszowice spa area in southern Krakow has a rich history that dates back to the 15th century, particularly due to the region’s sulphur deposits. It is there, we set up Emerald Spa.

Discovery of Sulphur Deposits:

The history of Swoszowice is intimately tied to its sulphur deposits. These were discovered in 1422, and the mineral started being mined in the 15th century under a royal charter. Mining of sulphur reached its pinnacle in the 1860s1.

Establishment of Spa:

The Swoszowice Spa, unique for being Poland’s only active spa within a metropolis, was established in 1811. The initial baths were designed by architect Feliks Radwański. Over two centuries, the sulphur-rich waters and muds of the spa have been utilised for treating various ailments including conditions of the spine and limbs, and rheumatism. The 19th century saw the establishment of a spa complex in Swoszowice. This complex has a documented tradition dating back to the 15th century, indicating a longstanding history of therapeutic water use in the area3.

Therapeutic Baths from 16th Century Onwards:

The health resort in Swoszowice is among the oldest in Poland. The remedial qualities of the local waters, enriched with sulphur, were known and utilised for therapeutic baths as early as in the 16th century, while sulphur extraction in the vicinity had begun two centuries earlier.

The mineral waters in the area have been employed for therapeutic purposes since the 15th century. The geological complexity of the region contributed to various hydrogeological conditions, favouring the presence of sulphide waters, which were found to be beneficial for treating a range of health conditions like osteoarthritis, diseases of the digestive and nervous systems, foodborne diseases, skin diseases, and ailments of the movement organs.

With this historical backdrop we not only see the longstanding tradition of spa and therapeutic water usage in Swoszowice but also how the area evolved over the centuries to become a notable health resort in Poland.

Enter Emerald Spa

It was here, in 2020. during the covid pandemic, that we bought the house and redesigned it to fit the needs of Emerald Spa. After major renovations and refits, we finally opened our doors for sauna and massages in 2021 with a Christmas and New year party event. It drew people from all over Poland. Today we have had the pleasure of hosting and serving people from over 20 countries of the world.

Coming to a massage or sauna/spa day at Emerald Spa, is more than a Spa visit. It is to continue a centuries old tradition of  special treatments in this well-established area.

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